The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) has been designed with Maker Checker concept where the Data Operator (Maker) will enter all transaction entries and submit it to the Data Approver (Checker) for verification and approval/rejection of transactions. For this purpose two separate users have to be created as Data Operator and Data Approver by the Admin user. The detailed steps for creating these
users are set out below:

Step 1: Login to Admin user then Go to Masters > Users > Add New


Step 2: Select the Type of User from the drop down list.


Note: In create Agency user page the Type of user only shows between 10am to 5pm on working days.

Step 3: Enter the First Name
Step 4: Enter the Last Name
Step 5: Enter Email (This should be correct and active e-mail as the password and other communication will be sent to this e-mail only)
Step 6: Enter Phone Number
Step 7: Enter Mobile Number (This should be correct and active mobile number as the password and other communication will be sent to this mobile number only)
Step 8: Enter a Login ID for the user (Login ID should be minimum of four different characters).

Note: While creating user try to use login I’d as per unique code. For Example: If unique code is ORMH00004488, then the login I’d would be as ORMH04488DO & ORMH04488DA. It will helpful in future without creating any problem)

Step 9: After entering all the above details, click on “Submit” button

Step 10: The message “Record saved successfully, your password has been sent
on your email address” will be displayed.


Note: The same procedure should be followed for creating ‘Data Approver’ user by selecting the user type as ‘Agency Data Approver’. After obtaining the password, the operator and approver can login through their respective login credentials. The Admin user can create another Admin user using the procedure described above, if the incumbent is changed. The new Admin user can login and disable the earlier Admin user.

Also Read: Agency Registration by funding agency in PFMS


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