Parental love is the supreme example of unconditional love. A mother begins to love her child as soon as she conceives it and it ends only with her last breath. Similarly, a father works day and night to secure the future of his child, demanding nothing but love and respect in return.
But the matter of concern is that, this feeling of love is reciprocated by the children only till they are dependent on their parents to be financially secure or for emotional support.
Unfortunately, children break off this relationship as soon as they find their life partners. Then, the parents are either given a secondary position or no position at all. This exemplifies human selfishness in the best possible manner.
A person who cannot acknowledge (forget about paying back) the 25 or 30 years of unconditional love, care and support can easily be termed as the most selfish being. The highest form of virtue is respect that one has for his or her Creator. If you believe that God has created you, then definitely parents are God’s agents.
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Man being a selfish creature, may need a reason to think of their parents once they’re settled down with their separate lives. So, I must also point out their need in family. Even if they’re old they’ll try their best to help you out in everyday chores, till there are physically-abled to do that.
In our modern metro life, where husband and wife are both bread winners, children often suffer loneliness. In such a case grandparents become their second parents. They’re boon for them. They can take better care of the child than any babysitter. They’ll also entertain your children with your childhood tales and bedtime stories. This will make your children love and respect you more.
The rising number of old age homes must be considered seriously.
“Parents do not deserve to be treated as liabilities. Never let them down. It’s a sin greater than all others.”
Their blessings are equivalent to that of God. Take care of them, because they deserve it, because it’s your responsibility, because they’ve done thousand times more for you. Love them and you’ll get double of it in return. Treat them as you wish to be treated by your children.

Old-age homes reflect sorry statistics
I’m not generalising. Exceptions are there. Not all children are selfish and not all parents are selfless. But most of them are.