This is the verbal ability questions and answers section on “Articles” with explanation for various interview, competitive examination and entrance test. Solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand. This section covers English Grammar Articles Questions that applicants can learn and practice Articles Quiz. In the below portions of this article, the students can find the Articles General English Questions in the form of the multiple choice questions.
An article is a word used to change a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that replaces a noun. Usually, adjectives modify nouns through description, but articles are used instead to point out or refer to nouns.
1. I go to Madurai by —– Vaigai Express
a). a
b). an
c). some
d). the
2. Please give me —– useful gift
a). an
b). a
c). no article
d). the
3. Our city will have —– university soon
a). a
b). an
c). the
d). no article
4. ———- unit means a measurement
a). a
b). an
c). the
d). no article
5. India will become —– super power shortly
a). a
b). an
c). the
d). some
6. He is —– European
a). an
b). a
c). no article
d). the
7. Are you attending —– reception today
a). a
b). an
c). the
d). no article
8. ——— meat you cooked tasted good
a). a
b). an
c). the
d). no article
9. He is ——– honest official.
a). a
b). an
c). the
d). no article
10. ——– apples I bought are sour
a). no article
b). a
c). an
d). the
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Q.1. d). the
Q.2. b). a
Q.3. a). a
Q.4. c). the
Q.5. a). a
Q.6. b). a
Q.7. c). the
Q.8. c). the
Q.9. a). a
Q.10. d). the